Join Nick and Alex Plato as they discuss the basic tenets of New Polity. What is "postliberalism" and why should I care? How did we get here and is there any way to get out? They'll hash out ideas and correct each other as only brothers can.
"Well presented, I love the interaction and the content. This was a great introduction for someone with nearly no formal background in philosophy, and allows me to interpret the articles on the rest of this site more easily. I would recommend this as the starting point for anyone getting into the New Polity, kind of a primer course."
—Ryan K., Washington
What's inside?
Nick and Alex Plato discuss a Christian cultural renewal and what they broadly see as the major issues plaguing society.
The Plato brothers discuss what many thinkers have considered the introduction of the modern world: The Protestant Reformation. This event raised many of the pillars of our modern, liberal society, such as "The State", interest-lending banks, and the welfare system.
Practical Atheism
The Plato twins describe how Christianity transformed the ancient world; how the early Christians were persecuted for building a genuinely new society within Rome; and how the liberal paradigm stunts the Christian from thinking his duty is to do the same: to build a Christian society.
The Five Types of People
Perhaps the most famous article on Moral Philosophy in the 20th century is Elizabeth Anscombe's "Modern Moral Philosophy". In the second half of the article, she describes the five types of people in our liberal society. Alex Plato describes these five characters and extends Anscombe's argument, giving it a theological component.
How to be an Amateur
Nick and Alex Plato have a conversation on the "how-to's" of building up a Christian society on the foundation of life, leisure, and love.
The Choice
The Plato Brothers argue that the liberal worldview is incompatible with the Christian worldview. Describing them side by side, they ask: Why would anyone want liberalism?